Wizardsoft Pty Ltd ABN 62 600 194 643 (WIZARDSOFT, we or us) understands that privacy is important to you, and is committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are contained in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), in relation to WIZARDSOFT’s collection and use of ‘personal information’ (which is basically information which can identify a specific individual). This privacy policy applies however to WIZARDSOFT’s customers throughout the world.

What Personal Information Does WIZARDSOFT Collect?

WIZARDSOFT is an online software provider. The types of personal information that WIZARDSOFT collects will depend on the nature of your dealings with us.

If you are a licensed user of WIZARDSOFT’S online software system (Licensee), we may collect personal information provided by you about individuals within your organisation. This may include names and contact details such as position titles, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

The WIZARDSOFT platform is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product. As such, information and data you input into WIZARDSOFT’s software (Client Data) as a Licensee is held on servers owned by third party hosting providers and leased by WIZARDSOFT. Client Data may include personal information relating to your clients and individuals within the client organisations, and also information about other individuals you may hold data on. Please note that WIZARDSOFT does not access or use Client Data for any purpose. It does not “collect” personal information contained in Client Data in any relevant sense, and this policy is not directed towards that type of personal information.

If you are one of WIZARDSOFT’s ‘business contacts’ (e.g. a contact person in one of our suppliers, or in a company with which we deal), we may collect basic business contact information from you (e.g. your name, title and work contact details).

If you are providing us with personal information about another person, you warrant to us that you have that person’s consent to disclose their personal information to us, and that your use and disclosure of the information to us is in accordance with all relevant privacy laws. This paragraph is without prejudice to any obligations you may have to WIZARDSOFT as a Licensee under any licence agreement for use of the WIZARDSOFT software or services.

How does WIZARDSOFT collect, hold and use Personal Information?

If you are a Licensee or prospective Licensee, WIZARDSOFT normally collects personal information from you at or before the time that you register with WIZARDSOFT, which may be when you take out a trial of the service or when you accept a licence agreement. That information is normally collected electronically when you register or make an enquiry with us online. WIZARDSOFT may collect personal information from you subsequently, or in other ways, including if it necessary to provide you with ongoing services.

We need to collect personal information so that we can provide our products and services, and conduct our business. We also collect personal information so that we may communicate any new information about our products and services, or to send newsletters or other communications on topics which may be of interest, to our clients and to people who have requested information from us via our website.

For example, if you are a client, or someone who has requested information from us via our website, personal information about you may be used to provide a trial of our products or services, provide you with information on our products and services or other information you have requested.

WIZARDSOFT’s policy is to only collect, hold and use personal information collected from clients and business contacts for the business purpose for which it was collected. WIZARDSOFT may retain personal information as part of its business records generally for a period after it has ceased doing business with you.

You may refuse to provide WIZARDSOFT with personal information, however in that event WIZARDSOFT may not be able to provide you certain services, or fully provide you certain services.

WIZARDSOFT may use a third party payment gateway provider to process payments, however WIZARDSOFT does not have access to credit card information, nor do we collect or store such information.

Will Your Personal Information be Given to Anyone Else?

WIZARDSOFT does not sell, rent or trade personal information about you to or with third parties. Personal information may be transferred or disclosed outside of WIZARDSOFT in the circumstances described below:

(a) Transfers to external service providers

WIZARDSOFT may transfer data including personal information to external service providers who help us operate our business (e.g. WIZARDSOFT’S external internet hosting company, which hosts WIZARDSOFT’S online systems at Generally, this would not involve a “disclosure” of the information to the service provider as the provider is generally only holding the information on WIZARDSOFT’s behalf, however WIZARDSOFT reserves the right to disclose personal information to service providers if required.

If WIZARDSOFT engages external service providers, WIZARDSOFT takes steps to ensure that those external service providers:

  • comply with the APPs when they receive, hold or handle personal information (regardless of whether they are a small business, or would otherwise be exempt from Australian privacy laws); and
  • are authorised only to use personal information for the limited purposes specified in our agreement with them,

however, we disclaim all liability for any privacy breaches by third parties to whom we have transferred or disclosed personal information in accordance with this policy.

You may withdraw your consent to use or disclose personal information provided by you at any time. To withdraw this consent please contact us at the details below.

(b) Disclosures required or permitted by law

This may include disclosure in connection with any legal proceedings or anticipated legal proceedings, or in order to comply with any legal obligation, or to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

(c) Sale of Transfer of Business

We may sell, transfer, or otherwise disclose any personal information held by us to an actual or potential successor entity, purchaser, or investor in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of our assets or a substantial part of our assets, share sale, investment transaction or other corporate rearrangement.

Cross Border Data Issues

WIZARDSOFT uses different hosting providers for customers in different parts of the world. Currently Client Data of Australian and New Zealand customers is hosted in Australia. New Zealand customers’ Client Data and any related personal information may be transferred to Australia, however none of that information is disclosed outside of New Zealand for the reasons referred to in Part 3 of this policy. Client Data of customers outside of Australia and New Zealand may be hosted in the United States of America, the United Kingdom or a member country of the European Union. Client data of those customers may therefore be transferred outside of their home country. WIZARDSOFT reserves the right to change its hosting arrangements and the locations and countries in which Client Data and related personal information is stored. WIZARDSOFT will use reasonable endeavours to notify customers of any substantial changes to the locations in which their data is stored.

Security of Personal Information

WIZARDSOFT takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information. Our premises are in a secure building with access restricted to passcard holders. Our IT systems are password protected and we conduct regular audit and data integrity checks. We frequently update our anti-virus software in order to protect our systems (and the data contained in those systems) from computer viruses. In addition, all WIZARDSOFT employees are required, as a condition of employment, to treat personal information held by WIZARDSOFT as confidential.

Whilst we endeavour to provide a secure online environment, there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the internet and no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. We therefore cannot warrant the security of any information you provide to us over the internet and you do so at your own risk.

We encourage you to play an important role in keeping your personal information secure, by maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords and account details used on our website or for our services. It is your sole responsibility to maintain such confidentiality and we will not be liable for any damage, loss or expense suffered due to intentional or inadvertent disclosure of such information.

Access and Correction

Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to seek access to your personal information handled by WIZARDSOFT. You also have the right to ask us to update or correct your personal information when it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

If you wish to access the personal information that WIZARDSOFT holds about you, please set out your request in writing, and forward this to us, using the contact details set out at the end of this Privacy Policy.

To provide you with access to your personal information held by us on our current records, WIZARDSOFT can provide you with a copy of the relevant personal information (ordinarily, in electronic form or a photocopy). WIZARDSOFT will not charge you for the cost of providing this type of access to these current records.

For legal and administrative reasons, WIZARDSOFT may also archive non-current records containing personal information, such as back up data files and off-site storage.

If you are of the view that personal information about you is inaccurate or out of date, or if you have any other queries about access and correction, please contact us using the contact details set out below.

Online Privacy Issues

As noted above, sometimes we collect personal information through our website (if you ask us to get in contact with you). This may be limited to some or all of the following information: your name, email address, telephone number and business contact details, such as your company name and your job title.

We may also use cookies to monitor licensed user sessions of WIZARDSOFT’S software. Like most website providers, we may generate statistics about how many people visit our site and what they look at. We may use web logs, cookies and services such as Google Analytics to do this. This enables us to keep our site relevant and useful. However, generally this information will not identify you. To the extent that such information is personal information, it will be treated in accordance with this policy.

Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies. However, if you do not wish to receive cookies you may set your browser to either prompt or refuse cookies.


a) In order to manage the personal information and CVs of candidates that we receive, we use the services of iProfile Pty Ltd, trading as iProfile. We are an iProfile Compatible Organisation;

b) An iProfile Compatible Organisation means an organisation that has been granted a licence by iProfile to use its products and services;

c) We also collect candidate’s personal information for the purpose of creating an iProfile for the candidate. Occasionally, in addition to the parties set out in this Privacy Policy above, we may also collect a candidate’s personal information from iProfile in order to obtain a candidate’s most current information;

d) We may also disclose the candidate’s personal information to iProfile for the purpose of creating an iProfile or for the purpose of updating or managing a candidate’s iProfile;

e) The candidate’s personal information contained in the iProfile may also be shared with other iProfile Compatible Organisations that the candidate has previously provided his/her details to; and

f) By providing its personal information to us, to iProfile, or to any other iProfile Compatible Organisation, the candidate consents to the collection, use and disclosure of its personal information in this manner.

Message Integration: G Suite and Microsoft 365 Integrations

For Licensee’s opted into Message Integration, WIZARDSOFT will COLLECT and STORE copies of all email messages sent and received by the Licensee and automatically matched against appropriate data records.

Data collected is available only to the Licensee and remains the property of the Licensee at all times.

Additional Privacy Information and How to Contact WIZARDSOFT

This WIZARDSOFT Privacy Policy may change from time to time. If it does we will publish changes on our website at It is your obligation to check the website periodically to ensure you are updated with any changes to the policy. The WIZARDSOFT Privacy Policy will be made available to anyone who requests it.

If you have any questions or comments about the WIZARDSOFT Privacy policy, or if you wish to make a complaint about how WIZARDSOFT have handled personal information about you, please contact us, using the contact details below. Your request or complaint will be directed to the relevant manager at WIZARDSOFT responsible for privacy matters (Privacy Officer). The Privacy Officer will review your request or complaint, and will endeavour to contact you within 10 business days if further information is required. The Privacy Officer will endeavour to resolve your enquiry or complaint within a further 10 business days:


Wizardsoft Pty Ltd

Privacy Officer
Suite 703, Level 7, The Trust Building, 155 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000

+ 61 2 8071 8700

While WIZARDSOFT will use its best endeavours to resolve any enquiry or complaint, the Privacy Act provides avenues for privacy issues or complaints to be raised with third parties. For further information about privacy issues and the protection of privacy visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s web site at

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